
I seek to be free from the concept of meaning, to carve my own reality.

These are my musings, my reflections on life. I love philosophy, and seek to understand the world in all of its idiosyncrasies. At times, I'll also write on some rather personal subjects. I may not be a particularly good writer, but frankly, I could care less. If you don't want to read, you can always click off the page, I don't mind at all.

Also some fun, random content for those that are stuck in this cycle of seeking knowledge.

Zig Comptime Is Absurdly Cool A little snippet of raving over Zig's metaprogramming capabilities
Zig mascot, named Ziggy

The Unchristian A retelling of why I left the church and am now atheist.
The interior of a church

Hello, World! Are things working?
The "This is fine" dog with everything around it on fire meme
