Zig Comptime Is Absurdly Cool

Zig mascot, named Ziggy

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Part 0 :: Synopsis

You may have heard of Zig, a new (-ish?) systems programming language. It markets itself as being extremely simple, and its mission is to create a language where there is one obvious way to do things. Quite possibly the antithesis to C++ in its pursuit of simplicity.

I’ve been using it to write my own CLI replacement for NixOS tools, named nixos (boring, perhaps, but gets the job done). It’s been a pleasure thus far, despite the lack of an extant ecosystem for dependencies like Rust or Go. It’s forced me to solve problems that I would have otherwise reached out to dependencies for, and overall is making me better at software. I’ll probably save the personal glazing for another post, though.

Part I :: comptime

Compile-time semantics can be pretty hard to grok. More often than not, most languages that have some form of a strong type system will force you to learn the intricacies and limitations of said type system.

This is one of the biggest features that Zig has to offer: clear compile-time semantics without the usage of macros, code gen, or a weird in-between language like C++ templates. I use the word “language” liberally here; if we define language as a signal-based mechanism for communication, then C++ templates can quite possibly be the poorest way of expressing this concept1. But I digress.

comptime in Zig is just a way of running normal Zig code at compile time. There’s no other language to understand, no preprocessor to fight with, just Zig code that runs when you run zig build. Basically, anywhere that requires a value be known at compile time (array sizes, types, etc.), you can pass a comptime value, and it should just work. This makes it extremely simple to do things like use types as normal values, reflection, generics, and many more features that are available only in higher-level programming languages or in lower-level languages with macros. Additionally, it’s much easier to read and write since LSP autocomplete exists already (it’s normal Zig code, after all).

Take for example the following piece of code:

pub fn runtimeOnlyDiv(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) T {
if (T == comptime_int or T == comptime_float) {
@compileError("you big dumb dumb, don't use comptime values in this function!")
return a / b;

This allows one to divide numbers with this function, while restricting comptime types from being passed to the function. While being quite superfluous (like what the fuck would you even use this for?), this demonstrates the fact that types are values at compile-time, and can thus be operated on like any other value within that context. In fact, this is exactly how the ArrayList data structure is implemented!

pub fn ArrayList(comptime T: type) type {
return ArrayListAligned(T, null);

A function that returns a type! How can this be? Well, an ArrayList is just a struct under the hood with the given type as its field. This function can be placed anywhere a type is expected, since it returns a type, and Zig will evaluate this so that it fills in the correct type. This is called monomorphization, and is more or less what C++ and Rust do with their templates and traits, but expressed as a simple function! I vastly prefer this form of generics over C++ and Rust since it reads much simpler to me. I don’t have to rip my brains out to understand it.

A trippy result of this is that even parameter types can be expressions that generate types!

pub fn set(self: Self, comptime T: ValueType, context: NixContext, value: (switch (T) {
.int => i64,
.float => f64,
.bool => bool,
.string, .path => [:0]const u8,
.null => @TypeOf(null),
.list => Value,
else => @compileError("type '" ++ @tagName(T) ++ "' cannot be used for the set method"),
})) !void {
const err = switch (T) {
.int => libnix.nix_set_int(context.context, self.value, value),
.float => libnix.nix_set_float(context.context, self.value, value),
.bool => libnix.nix_set_bool(context.context, self.value, value),
.string => libnix.nix_set_string(context.context, self.value, value),
.path => libnix.nix_set_path_string(context.context, self.value, value),
.null => libnix.nix_set_null(context.context, self.value),
else => @panic("value cannot be of type " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(value))),
if (err != 0) return nixError(err);

Even if you’ve never read Zig before, this is probably decently easy to read if you are somewhat proficient in programming.

Well, where does this really show its beauty? Generics, sure, but what about anything else? Well, I mentioned comptime can also be a solution for compile-time reflection that does not involve macros or code gen.

Part II :: The Situation

In my nixos CLI, I have a Config struct that is filled in from a TOML configuration file. It looks like this:

pub const Config = struct {
apply: struct {
imply_impure_with_tag: bool = false,
specialisation: ?[]const u8 = null,
use_nom: bool = false,
} = .{},
config_location: []const u8 = "/etc/nixos",
enter: struct {
mount_resolv_conf: bool = true,
} = .{},
init: struct {
enable_xserver: bool = false,
desktop_config: ?[]const u8 = null,
extra_config: ?[]const u8 = null,
} = .{},
no_confirm: bool = false,
use_nvd: bool = false,

Nothing too crazy, just a struct with some values. I left out some more complex types for the sake of simplicity.

A cool feature that I wanted to implement is setting configuration values using command-line arguments. git does this, where an invocation like git -c commit.gpgsign=false commit, will disable GPG signing for just that one invocation when committing your code. This enables flexibility for when misconfigurations happen with your GPG key, and you just want to create an unsigned commit without changing your configuration.

However, Git has a ton of options. Just tab through with git -c in zsh, and you get this:

Terminal window
$ git -c
zsh: do you wish to see all 621 possibilities (69 lines)?

Oh, hell no. There’s no way git parsed those options manually, I thought to myself. That 69 is just the number of top-level git options! The number of options in my Config struct seemed like they would only grow and get more nested. I don’t want to keep going back to that every time a setting is added!

I thought about how to solve this for a while. Then, all of a sudden, a lightbulb went off in my head. I could just use compile-time reflection to traverse the struct fields given a path.

The result:

fn setFieldValue(comptime T: type, path: []const u8, value: []const u8, ptr: *T) !void {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |structInfo| {
inline for (structInfo.fields) |field| {
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, path, field.name)) {
const rest = path[field.name.len..];
if (rest.len == 0) {
if (field.type == bool) {
const parsed = blk: {
if (mem.eql(u8, value, "true")) break :blk true;
if (mem.eql(u8, value, "false")) break :blk false;
return error.InvalidBoolean;
@field(ptr, field.name) = parsed;
} else if (field.type == []const u8 or field.type == ?[]const u8) {
if (field.type == ?[]const u8 and value.len == 0) {
@field(ptr, field.name) = null;
} else {
@field(ptr, field.name) = value;
} else {
return error.UnsupportedType;
} else if (rest[0] == '.') {
return setFieldValue(field.type, rest[1..], value, &@field(ptr, field.name));
} else {
return error.NoPathExists;
else => return,

If you don’t understand this, don’t worry! I’ll walk you through this.

fn setFieldValue(comptime T: type, path: []const u8, value: []const u8, ptr: *T) !void {

These are the parameters:

  • T :: a type (the type of the struct we want to modify)
  • path :: a path to a potentially nested field in the struct, separated by dots (example: apply.use_nom)
  • value :: the string value from the command line
  • ptr: a pointer to the struct value to modify

Cool, right?

switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |structInfo| {
inline for (structInfo.fields) |field| {
// ...
else => return,

This might look weird at first. This just checks if the type provided is a struct, and then starts looping over the struct’s fields. Each field has certain metadata associated with it: a name, the type (which is itself a comptime value of type, and other things) Notice how this is an inline for loop; in comptime, loops are unrolled, since evaluation is strict inside comptime boundaries, and must terminate. After all, the compiler must strictly evaluate all of these values for them to make sense; type information cannot be available in the resulting binary.

The else => return makes sure to not do anything if the type is not a struct. This may be confusing (shouldn’t this be a compile error, right?), but I will come back to this later.

if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, path, field.name)) {
const rest = path[field.name.len..];
if (rest.len == 0) {
// this is a valid config setting, parse and set the value
} else if (rest[0] == '.') {
return setFieldValue(field.type, rest[1..], value, &@field(ptr, field.name));
} else {
return error.NoPathExists;

This is the real meat; if we have a field that does match the start of the path passed in, then we check if there is more. If there is more (aka when there is a dot right after the field name), then we recurse into the field where that exists. And if there is no dot in that first index, then we just continue on and no field matching that will be found. If there is no more (we have reached the field we need to modify), then we have reached the field that we want to modify and can access it with @field(ptr, field.name) in that block with the comment, and execution can end once we set the value.

The else => return in the switch case is required due to this recursion. Since the compiler will always hit a case where the nested field is not a struct in order to terminate evaluation, we make sure to not emit a @compileError() in the default case.

if (field.type == bool) {
const parsed = blk: {
if (mem.eql(u8, value, "true")) break :blk true;
if (mem.eql(u8, value, "false")) break :blk false;
return error.InvalidBoolean;
@field(ptr, field.name) = parsed;
} else if (field.type == []const u8 or field.type == ?[]const u8) {
if (field.type == ?[]const u8 and value.len == 0) {
@field(ptr, field.name) = null;
} else {
@field(ptr, field.name) = value;
} else {
return error.UnsupportedType;

This final snippet runs if the path to the field exists. It checks the field type, validates it if needed, and sets the value based on that. Pretty self-explanatory code when you read it; it trivially parses booleans for bool fields, or shoves the value into a string ([]const u8) slice, accounting for potential empty values by treating them as null.

This took an hour to implement. I now had dynamic field-setting code that I probably won’t have to touch for a good long while as I add more configuration options, all because of Zig’s comptime. At most, I’ll just need to add more types to check for like integers or dates, if they crop up. Amazing!

Part III :: Conclusion

What is the point of this post, besides glazing over a programming language like every other Rust fanboy out there (IYKYK)? The point is that I’m learning new things every day, and this is one of those things that just blew my mind away, even though I’ve been using Zig for around a year to this point.

No matter what, there’s always new stuff to learn. And Zig is fun to use. Go try it out, and keep doing fun shit!


  1. I don’t like C++ very much, as you can tell by the tone of this post. It’s just not fun for me to read or write. I’ve only used it for university projects thus far, and I don’t really want to fan the flames of the language wars, but it’s just my opinion. Don’t take it personally. Nix is written in C++, after all, and I love Nix. It is what it is.
