Hello, World!

The "This is fine" dog with everything around it on fire meme

This is mostly a test to see if things are working. If things aren’t working, something is horribly wrong, so send me a message! Of course, I want people to read what I’m saying, right?

I love using Markdown for posts, but more often than not, it has its shortcomings as a language. I often use neorg inside neovim to write my posts, and then convert them to Markdown after that. It has great support for a lot of things, but it’s still beta-quality software. However, if you use neovim, it’s worth a try.

Code Blocks

Damn = "you use Nix?";
Yeah = "I use Nix";
"That's" = "so cool!";
const std = @import("std");
const print = std.debug.print;
const testing = std.testing;
pub fn main() !void {
print("Whoa, you use Zig?\n", .{});
test "1 + 1 = 2?" {
const actual = 1 + 1;
testing.expectEqual(actual, 2);
const eww: () => void = () => {
console.log('Eww, TypeScript.');
console.log("At least it's not JavaScript.");


Thanks for reading this! Why did you read it though? Are you seriously that bored?

Do something better with yourself, haha.

Yoshi falling down slope

